
Yana Krasnikova was born in Kiev on May 6 in 1999. In childhood Yana was a very active child. She was fond of music, dancing, horseracing, literature, drawing and acting skills.

Yana is interested in psychology and studying of foreign languages ​​(English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese). She has vocal lessons.

Yana acts as the initiator of the charity projects of Your Kindness organization (YK), which was created at her initiative and under her guidance. This organisation provides the opportunity for development of children talented in sport, science and art. Yana is very grateful that she had the opportunity to realize her talents. Her parents supported her always, giving her many opportunities for self-development since childhood. She believes that every child is talented and deserves love, attention and support. It is necessary to notice these talents and develop them as much as possible. So, our country will blossom as well as become developed and the most beautiful.

"There are many young talented people in the world who have the potential for success, but some circumstances do not allow them to develop their talents," - Yana says. We have a lot of young talented people in our country and I want them to develop themselves, create wise, useful, kind things for all humanity as well as glorify our country.

I feel like I’d remember the catchphrase from the genius work of Antoine de Saint-Exupery - "Little Prince": There is such a solid rule. Get up in the morning, wash yourself, freshen up and immediately put your planet in order.

Yana is dreaming to be useful for people, find herself, rise heights in professional life and create a strong family in future. She wants to promote the eternal values ​​of love, a strong family as well as raising healthy and well-educated children.

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